Saturday, 11 November 2017

bank of india balance enquiry

MISSED CALL BANKING is a free service from the Bank where in you can get your Account Balance, Mini Statement and more just by giving a Missed Call or sending an SMS with pre-defined keywords to pre-defined mobile numbers from your registered mobile number. Please ensure that your mobile number is updated in your account to be able to register for this service
If you have an Android, Windows, iOS or Blackberry phone, you can download SBI Quick app from the respective App Store. SBI Anywhere can avail SBI Quick facility in the pre-login section. With this app you need not remember the various keywords and destination mobile numbers. Once app is installed, internet connection is not required to use SBI Quick, as the communication would happen over SMS or Missed Call. Note that mobile app is not mandatory for using this facility.
Send SMS, ‘REG<space>Account Number’ to 09223488888 
      e.g. REG 12345678901
from the registered mobile no for that particular account. Confirmation message will be received indicating successful/unsuccessful registration.
If successful then you can start using the services.
If unsuccessful:
  • Check the SMS format and destination mobile number
  • Ensure that your mobile number from which the SMS is sent, is updated with the Bank for that account number. If not, visit your Branch and update the same.
  • Downoad SBI QUICK app here 

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